Creating an App Push

First steps to use App Push

You need to select the App platforms: Android and/or iOS. Explore how to start a push campaign.



Practical Cases

iurny ensures the operation of push notifications in more than 80% of browsers without any type of certificate since it offers a tool aimed at people like you, without technical training. How do my Push Notifications look on all browsers and devices?

Image and text specifications

Select the type of multimedia to publish based on the choosen platform. It allows you to enrich your campaigns with images or videos, easily and simply. Recommended images with .jpg or .png format with size 500x250 pixels and a approximate weight of 1Mb. You can compose a GIF by uploading up to 3 individual images (.jpg and .png formats).

TextImagesPush icon
- Title: up to 60 characters long
- Body: up to 400 characters long
- .jpg and .png formats
- GIF (by uploading up to 3 individual images)
- Maximum Size: 2MB
- .jpg and .png formats
- Maximun Size: 1MB
- Recommendation: 200x200 px / 250 Kb

Format recommendations


  • Resolution 128x128px
  • Weight about 30KB
  • Recommended format jpg 30%


  • Resolution 500x250px (500x500px for iOS)
  • Weight about 100KB
  • Recommended format jpg 30%

Create a campaign

You can create a new campaign through the side menu of your console:
Campaigns > AppPush/WebPush


Create your first campaign

Go to campaigns and discover all options for your success.