SDK Validation

Files verification

To verify that the integration was successful, do the following:

  1. In the case of integrating google services from Android Studio, in the project tab, verify that the google-services.json file has been correctly imported into the root of the project.

  1. In the case of integrating Huawei services, from Android Studio, in the project tab, verify that the agconnect-services.json file has been correctly imported into the root of the project.

Modifications with Ionic

If you use Ionic & Capacitor you better implement our Capacitor SDK and then you can avoid all these modifications:

In case of integrating with Ionic and / or Ionic capacitor, the integration is done in the same way, only the mode of instantiating the plugin changes, for example the init would be as follows:

  appKey: "<YOUR_APP_KEY>",
  senderId: "<YOUR_SENDER_ID>"

In the case of Android, it may not find the google-services.json configuration file in the root of the project, so in that case it will give you an error trace with the correct path, which is The next:


In iOS, the following method must be modified from the indigitall-cordova-plugin/src/ios/AppDelegate+indigitall.m file:


  1. Send a notification from the indigitall console. It is possible that the device counter appears at 0 in the console. Don't worry, it may take a few minutes to update, but you don't have to wait, the push should still arrive.
  1. Next go to the Logcat tab and look for the PUT / device call containing the parameters appKey, deviceId and pushToken and that returns HTTP 200.